the pull-up makeover

This page contains all the information you need to get started and continue on the 4-week program. But first, let’s cover an exercise you must know:

step 1: assess

the negative pull-up

The main movement to prioritize overall exercises is this negative pull-up, also known as a slow eccentric pull-up. Basically you’re 1) jumping so your chin is over the bar 2) and sloooowwwly lowering all the way down.

It’s the very best exercise to get your first pull-up. All other exercises are inferior to this one. Trust me.


  • Resist the urge to lower more quickly when it gets hard. - That’s actually the groove you need to grease; however long your negative is, make sure it’s evenly paced.
  • Get into the hollow body hold before you start each rep.
  • Engage the scaps and pull the delts away from the ears.
  • Make sure you watch the demo video on this page.

Two options here: You can either use a band (or multiple bands) for assistance, or set up with a low bar in a rack at shoulder height so you can complete a negative while keeping your feet on the ground. These variations should only be used if your negative pull up is under 2 seconds.

OK, you know her now. You’ve watched the demos. You’ve got the tips. Let’s set up your program.

What if I can’t resist the bar on the way down at all?

day 1: test

Today, we’re testing how long you can complete a negative pull-up. Remember, this is a consistent speed lowering from the start position of having your chin over the bar and finishing back at the bottom of the movement.


  •  Use ‘1-Mississippi’ or ‘2-1,000’ or whatever long word you need so you’re not rushing the count.
  • Don’t pause in the middle of your rep. Keep moving slowly.
  • You can count in your head, but I’d recommend recording this on your phone to confirm your count.
  • Write down your score in your Notes app, and then follow this plan for the next 3-4 weeks. 👇

This score will give us a baseline to apply progressive overload and start getting stronger.

No cheating 👀

day 2+: progress

Here’s how you make the plan: Let’s say your score is       seconds. First, take that score and multiply it by    . This score of       is where we’re starting, meaning that for session #1 , we want to accumulate a total of      seconds in the negative pull-up.

Obviously, you can’t do that all in one set, so break it up. It could be:

 2 sets of 10 seconds 


4 sets of 5 seconds

For all subsequent sessions, add     seconds to your total time. Session 2 =      , Session 3 =     , Session 4 =     . You get it, but here’s a table:


  • Complete 3 sessions a week for 3-4 weeks
  • It’s ideal to take some rest days between sessions (i.e. Add the session in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
  • Before retesting, complete at least 9 training sessions using this progressive overload of +2 more seconds per session









You can retest your negative pull-up once you’ve completed 3-4 weeks of consistent training. If you’re hitting multiple sets of 12 seconds or more in a session in the negative, I would go ahead and test for your first pull-up. Please don’t retest or attempt a pull-up until at least 9 sessions are completed.

Test Day = 10 seconds

x2 = 20
+2 for next session
Could be 2 sets of 10 seconds or 4 sets of 5 seconds
Session 1 = 20 total seconds 
+2 for next session
Could be 2 sets of 11 seconds or 3 sets of 5 seconds plus 1 set of 7 seconds
Session 2 = 22 total seconds
+2 for next session
Could do 4 sets of 6 seconds or 3 sets of 8 seconds
Session 3 = 24 total seconds

ready to train?

Pull-up strength is so badass that it requires not only a specific skill (what we’re working on here) but also a solid foundation. Grip strength, pull accessories, and core control are all components of a strong, healthy, pull-up-mastering body that we can build in my strength training app Stronger by the Day. Don’t forget, if you’re on this FREE Pull-up program, you get access to Stronger by the Day for just $1 for 1 month.

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thanks to 3, 4, or 5 day  a week options, in-gym or at home, and even an ‘express’ function for when you’re low on time


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with over 20,000 active members and member-only groups of women who know that strength is so much more than lifting heavy things

that coveted first pull-up

and build the baseline of strength needed to get that coveted first pull-up

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I’ve been following SBTD for the last 5 months and can honestly say I absolutely love this app!

I did the 7 day free trial and decided to stay on since I loved it so much. I’ve tried several fitness apps over the last several years but this one blows me away the most. The ability to track your weights and reps, being able to easily substitute exercises, the form cues and library of exercises—all of it so superior to anything I’ve tried. 

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I love the program and I’m so happy that you guys have an app!!

It has helped me so much get back in the swing of things after over a year of struggling and I am certainly getting stronger by the day. I am very thankful this program exists 💜

- Natasha


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<3 Meg