my body image bible

Body image has been the throughline in my work. I’ve written about beauty ideals, how to be self-compassionate, and how to lead with strength out of the gym. Here’s what I’ve learned in the past decade of my career.

step 4: build confidence with

question your beauty ideals:

commandment 1

I believe buff is beautiful. Strong, brute, aggressive, soft, thick, curvy, sturdy, solid, brick house. Your definition of ‘the perfect body’ looks and feels different than everyone else’s. 

What’s beautiful to you?

Where did that image come from?

Is it realistic?

If you feel the pressure to conform, reflect:

Who does it serve?

commandment 2

There’s nothing more yucky than talking about another person’s body. Even when it’s your own.

The easiest thing I’ve done for my self-esteem is zero gossip policy. No talking crap about other people, and no criticism on my own body.




take care of yourself

commandment 4

Move your body

(but in a celebratory way – not a crush-your-soul type of way)


stop body checking

go to therapy

stop scrolling on social media

add some diversity to your feed

My quick and dirty list to wrap up and leave you with takeaways:

Building confidence is a journey, just like your ever-changing body. Give yourself permission to embrace the strength and femininity within. 

They’re inseparable.

get a hobby

When I realized how much of my time was spent trying to get as tiny and attractive as possible, I made a vow to take it back.

Imagine my surprise when fitness and food could be enjoyed rather than a means to continue the rat race of 'looking hot'.

There are so many more interesting things we can do with our bodies and minds when we take back the space to be ourselves. Here's your sign to lean on the things that you enjoy for the sake of doing them. Fitness should be fun, food should be delicious, and we should all spend less time on appearing perfect, and more time doing what makes us happy.  

commandment 3

follow fitness models of different body types

Small ways to embrace strength today

get stronger by the day

get your first pull-up